The Five Weirs Walk

The Route

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Start Point: Lady’s Bridge, Castlegate, Sheffield, S3 8GA

Finish Point: Meadowhall Shopping Centre, Sheffield, S9 1EP

Distance: Approximately 5 miles (8 kilometers)

Walk Description

Starting Point: Lady’s Bridge, Castlegate, Sheffield, S3 8GA

Key Highlights:

  • Lady’s Bridge: Start your journey at this historic bridge, the oldest in Sheffield, providing a charming gateway to the walk.
  • River Don: Follow the River Don, enjoying the serene riverside path that traces Sheffield's industrial heritage.
  • Cobweb Bridge: Cross this unique suspension bridge under the Wicker Arches, a notable engineering feature of the route.
  • Five Historic Weirs: Pass Walk Mill Weir, Burton Weir, Sanderson’s Weir, Brightside Weir, and Hadfield’s Weir, each contributing to the industrial past of Sheffield.
  • Salmon Pastures Nature Reserve: A small but vibrant nature reserve along the walk, offering a chance to see diverse birdlife and invertebrates.

End Point: Meadowhall Shopping Centre, Sheffield, S9 1EP

Practical Information

Distance: Approximately 5 miles (8 kilometers)

Difficulty: Easy – suitable for all ages and abilities.

Terrain: Well-maintained, surfaced paths along the riverbank with occasional diversions. Mostly flat with minor elevation changes.


  • By Car: Parking is available in Sheffield City Centre near Lady’s Bridge and at Meadowhall Shopping Centre.
  • Public Transport: Both the start and end points are accessible by bus and train, with nearby stations at Sheffield City Centre and Meadowhall.

Tips for Walkers

Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes are recommended, especially waterproof ones in wet conditions.

Supplies: Bring water and snacks. There are cafes and shops at both ends of the walk for refreshments.

Navigation: The route is well-signposted, but carrying a map or a GPS device can be helpful for additional navigation.

Weather: Be prepared for changing weather conditions. Carry waterproof clothing, warm layers, and a hat and gloves.

The Five Weirs Walk is a delightful and historically rich route along the River Don in Sheffield, stretching from Lady’s Bridge to Meadowhall Shopping Centre.

This 5-mile walk takes you past five historic weirs, through a blend of urban and natural landscapes, and offers insight into Sheffield’s industrial heritage.

It is perfect for a leisurely day out, combining scenic beauty with educational elements about the city's past.

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